Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life's Path

Read Psalm 16, wow, perfect timing for my life. Especially verse 11 which says......

"You always show me the path that leads to life. You fill me with joy when I am with you. You will give me endless pleasures at your right hand."

It is so true. After I wrote my blog yesterday I rested my heart and give my path to him. Today at 8:15 am I received a call from a person who I worked with in my past out of the blue who is with a company that is expanding and is opening a role that fits everything I have prayed for in a new career. Though it is early in the process I believe clearly god is speaking to me and that my faith and trust will be rewarded.

On May 9th Jodi and I made a clear decision that we would trust The Lord fully on this journey. The Lord has clearly said to Jodi the next plan I have for you will be even better than what you had before if you just trust in me. As most know it hasn't been easy to let go of all the control. The world says were nuts and why would you give up money, job, security and status for the unknown. My simple answer is because we had nothing with out our faith and trust in God. That faith has helped to regain control of my life that was spiraling out of control with stress, fear and pain. Clear signs of the enemy controlling the puppet strings of my life and path.

So the story continues, I have to admit I am excited to be wanted. One piece of advice in all your relationships you never know which one may come back around some day in Gods plan to change your course. My light influenced this person who called today and god used it in his plan......AWESOME!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Letting My Light Shine

Letting my light shine, Matt 5:16 a interesting and a perfect verse for how I'm feeling today. Being a light in this world is something I always talk to my girls about but do I practice it everyday like I am suppose to? I think sometimes I am but when I am struggling that light is very dim or doesn't exist. I continue to go through this journey and grow, I am finding that consistency is key to living a balance life. I think the only thing I am consistent on is being inconsistent. I know it sounds kinda of ridiculous but if we each analyzed our life fully what would you see in this area?

Clear example of this is my time in the word. When I read the word and study and type these notes I feel close to god and really feel the clear direction in my life. When I don't do this I quickly drift in my walk. Something that seems so simple I make hard by my own laziness and lack of priority. How can I expect the next level when I am wallowing in this one. I have my moments of light and they seem to be more frequent so I think that is a good sign. But it is staying on track that is key. Don't get me wrong I want to be consistent but my worldly clock and schedule is keeping me from it, what about you?

I am beginning to feel gods direction for my next phase of life, the pull is unmistakable on where we should be. Now its trusting that god is driving the car not me right to my next job in a place he wants me. This radical thought is hard and completely against what the world would say I should do. I want to so intervene an push my way into the next phase of my life. Kinda of dumb since I have a pretty good thing rolling right now. My relationship with Jodi is strong, my kids are amazing me everyday and I am rested and not stressed and I'm enjoying the things I like in life. All indications that my light inside me is burning bright for all the world to see.

It is clear to me what I must do. I must work at getting into his word everyday some way some how. I believe now that the light in me is always bright, it is just weather I have my worldly sunglasses on blocking the true brilliant light that is the Lord in my life who is guiding me constantly and consistently each and every minute of my life with love and patience. The exact things I must have to move forward.

Hope you find this helpful in your life, God really put this on my heart to share for someone out there who is also struggling in this area.

Friday, October 12, 2012

"Getting Back on Track"

My journey continues and I want to openly share some of my challenges. For me I have gotten off the path, the text below shows me how and why I drifted and how I'm going to get back on God's plan for my life. I am being very transparent in this blog sharing my struggles for all to see so I can move forward. It is important that we are honest with each other, especially those of us who are believers. Maybe no one will read this but the power I have felt quoting the scriptures inside this blog have been amazing, enjoy.

So it's time to get back on track and there are two scriptures that have shown me how to do that. First John 8, "So the son of man sets you free, (I have been freed from a path of living for an false god inside of my job), you will really be free." (That one is harder) As I am on this journey I have found the transition to be much harder than I had anticipated. I have struggled with many things that have lead me back to my worldly ways. Gal 5:17-21 hits it best I have been living in my old sinful nature and not by the spirit.

My sinful nature and the spirit are at war with each other as Gal 5:17 clearly states. And that is what I feel in my life right now, a war going on. When I set out on this journey I was very close to the spirit and felt and heard god very well. As I have gone further into this transition I have heard more of my inner voice and have drifted away from the spirit and that solid foundation I had felt back in June and July. Don't get me wrong I haven't fallen off the map in sin and how I am live my life. But I have clearly slipped back on my direct relationship with my father and the Holy Spirit and I am wandering.

Interesting byproducts of all this has been that fear and doubt have creeped into my life and mind about who and what I am and the future. The self doubt about my status as a man, father and husband have all been challenged. I believe this has lead me to be short tempered at times to the ones I'm close to, especially my wife who sees my struggles everyday with this. This is all clear signs of the enemy at work. The devil is always lurking waiting for these times that we all have where we slip and are vulnerable. His reign ends today in this area of my life in Jesus name!!!

There is good news in all my failures and wandering are forgiven. The answer lies right in the scripture in Gal 5:24, "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed their sinful nature to HIS cross. they do not want their sinful nature loves long for." My sin and sinful nature was bought and paid for that day on Calvary by the son of god, I cannot fail because I believe and that opens up his spirit to come back into my life.

So, I am excited for the future not scared. I have worked hard in my career to establish myself and I have a lot of gifts and talents to share. God has my next job waiting for me when I am ready and prepared to receive it in his timing, getting back on track has moved me closer to that plan. So I will enjoy this season and rest and enjoy each day to its fullest.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


Ok no great words of wisdom today or at least not yet will see how the blog rolls along. Just comments about life.

I really am digging this cool fall weather and the colors that are now in full splendor. My body clock is really getting in sync now getting preped for the long winter. I am amazed how quickly I am adjusting back to this climate. I have also enjoyed getting back and watching some football, I hadn't done that for years. It was hard to get motivated at 10am Sunday morning in the bright sun of Cali to sit down and watch and game. You always felt like you should be out in it like it wasn't going to be there tomorrow? Hockey season is back in swing, Jeff's team had its first two games this weekend which were wins. Nice start for a brand new team. Busted out the Ipad and watched the games on the big screen with my mother and father in law. I'm hoping that the Vikings can pull it together.....oh what am I saying I have had 44 years of disappointment being a fan and I will continue down this path, loyal till th end. It's painful though!!!

The girls are in the school groove Abbey has started to settle in. We made some adjustments in her schedule so she can have some independent time that she so much enjoys. Hayley also is doing good, she has a very good teacher who really relates well to the kids and she seems very energized and enjoying school. Jodi and I picked them up together yesterday, what an awesome gift to be able to do this simple task that we take for granted.

As for me, I can say I am happy. Jodi and I spent a night last week down in MSP doing some work for her business and having a date night at the Mall of America. Retraced a lot of old footsteps from my NWA days and brought back a lot of old memories. I finally can say I miss NWA and the friends and career path I had there. And that's ok. For years of the merger I supressed those feelings to make sure to get the two airlines together and on the right path for the long term future for the men and women who make it what it is today. Though my long term future was different, I can say I do not regret any choice I have made, it has and is defining who I am today. I explored one option for a job recently but I think I am going to hang tight yet and trust that the lord has my next job lined up for me....scary isn't it? He has it all ready, he just wants me to enjoy living each day right now.

Off to watch Jacey and Jackson this morning......best job in the world and I don't make a dime!!! Thanks Jesus for this opportunity!!!

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Good news for you....

This scripture was part of Joyce Meyers devotion today I found it very interesting and powerful as it speaks to how I'm trying to live my life everyday. I wanted to share it and my thoughts as it effects my me. Maybe you can gain wisdom from it for your life and situation right now.

Blessed is the one who obeys the law of the Lord.
He doesn't follow the advice of evil people.
He doesn't make a habit of doing what sinners do.
He doesn't join those who make fun of the Lord and his law. (Psalm 1:1 NIRV)

I admit it is tough not living like the world says I should. This journey I am on is showing me the way I need live but it gets hard. Even with the simpler schedule of my day I still find the pull of distractions of my time cause me to not be as in tuned in to his plan as I should be.

The temptations of the world are GREAT. I can see where the devil gains his power. We are all driven by our senses and when they are tweaked we start our decision processes. We as christians all know the law or most of it at least, but the scripture is interesting because the lord already knows we will fall short. It says "don't make a habit of doing what sinners do", so he already knows we will make bad choices in our life, but don't make them habits. I can think of so many things that the world offers that can lead you down a wrong path, TV shows, movies, music. For example there are some really great shows but we all know the ones that are against what we as christians believe. Just look at the fall line up this year. "Very interesting". He also lets us be of free will and choice, "don't follow advice of evil people", he wants us to find the counsel of the righteous. Who in your life are you drawing your counsel or advice? What are they saying? He lets you pick and chose that advice. I bet the person who speaks the truth is the hardest to listen too?

I love that our god is a god that lets us live and make mistakes. It makes me realize how great the gift of the cross is and the awesome sacrifice it was. I fall short every day, but I won't let those mistakes become habits. That's the greatness of our god who loves us no matter what in the place your currently at!!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Great words, simple message

This message was on Jodi's facebook, it can't explain any better my life and the challenge it is to walk away but it what defines you in the end. Here it is, hope it rings true to some of you and helps you with any challenge you are facing. Who and what you are is defined by you and the lord. It is not your job, your friends or family or anything else that gives you temporary self worth.

"Sometimes walking away has nothing to do with weakness, and everything to do with strength. We walk away not because we want others to realize our worth and value, but because we finally realize our own."

Have a great day, enjoy it to the fullest and know you are amazing in God's eyes and I guess that is all that matters!!

Friday, September 7, 2012

Back online........

August 2, that's a long time not to blog but there has been much going on in my world, some good, some challenges but ulimatley it has brought me through to a new peace in my life. I found it intersting that many times I went to blog about the trials I was facing but the lord clearly put it on my heart not to share at the moment they were happening like I was before. The lord respects us and I think he knows what needs to be heard by his people in the timing it is suppose to be given to have the greatest effect. Today on Sept 7 I feel it is time to come back online and share some of those trials and to begin putting out blogs again around life and its experiences and the joys of living a life trusting in the God to provide everything not just the things we want.

I think to summerize things in a nutshell is transitions are harder than we think. I went from a 24/7 job that had me constantly hooked up to every little thing that was happening via technology. My new life is far from that, it is quite, sometimes boring and provides a lot of reflection time. When you swing from one end of the spectrum to the other the trip between the two has a few bumps in it (Ok, more like a bunch of mountains and valleys in it). Often times I found myself trying to turn back to the old way where I knew or thought I knew how to act and feel. This transition wasn't just about Mike. It greatly effected Jodi and the girls each in our own ways and together as a family. For me it was the stuggle with the sense of purpose and what I was. This sounds like a simple thought but it caused a huge strain on my marriage and created a Mike who looked a lot like the LA Mike, quick to anger and unsure of himself. Through the fire of this God provided my with not only a wife but a great women of god who has great wisdom. She said to me, "You must embrace this time, if the greatest thing you do in a day is take care of my nieces and nephew then thats a pretty good day." That hit me like a ton of bricks. I was missing out on one of the major reasons why I'm here and what a waste it was letting the devil trample all over me. During this time I was making some bad choices in how I was living, that came to a quick end on a Friday morning early in August when I realized that I'm 44 not 22 and the devil was done messing with me. So now each day I get up and embrace the day for what it brings. I can say I have enjoyed doing a lot of cooking of some fancy meals for the girls, hanging out with my nieces and nephew and yes sometimes I enjoy just sitting around being bored. I take each experience and live it in the momment its happening, are there and will there be trials, yes, but the lord has shaped and molded me through the fire to handle them.

I have spent a lot of time out in the boat, as fall arrives plan to do some more fishing with the cooler weather and I have enjoyed racing and now the start of hockey season. Jodi's business has really taken off and is doing well. She enjoys her job at Angelina's and has networked a lot of contacts includinbg a possible job opportuity I am exploring. I wish she would write a blog on her story could really help all of us. Her world has completely shifted and changed and it is a much greater challenge than I have faced.

I can say right now I am living the life I wanted when I made the choice to leave my airline career. I love being in Minnesota, the cool and color of fall is in the air and the world just seems right at this moment. I was raised in the four seasons and where ever I have been that didnt have them I always felt a little out of kilter. Now I am back in sync with my internal clock. Guess winter is coming a huge flock of geese are flying over right now heading south?

I really enjoy writing these blogs, I hope you find something that will help you realize that if you trust only one thing in your life, no matter your past, trust the lord. He is always there, you can't make him mad and that sometimes the things you want may not be in his plan and that's ok because in the end his plan allows you to have a eternal life of happiness.

Have a blessed day in whatever your doing!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bloggers block

I have had a case of bloggers block lately, there has been so much going on that it is has been hard to get it all down. Summer is cruising along and I can say I have accomplished many of my goals of things I wanted to do and catch up on. Clearly spending time with family has been the best part of it all. Spending time in the boat has followed second with both sun and fun and I have caught some nice fish along the way.

Some things to look forward to yet though, the Guba's will be here all next week and we will get to spend a lot of time with them. For those who don''t know them they are the first family Jodi nannied for in Texas. They had three kids, Jennifer, Matt and Zach. Jennifer and Matt are married and Jen has had her first baby who we get to meet finally. We have been life long friends with all of them and they are a wonderful family. We have shared many highs and lows with them but they are all outstanding people and I am very proud of them. Next after that is the Douglas County Fair. 4 days of good food, fun, racing and laughs. It is what small town America is all about. Then finally the last thing on the docket is a visit from two of my brothers, Brian and John for some fishing in September. I'm really hoping mom and dad are feeling good enough to join us. We did a trip in the fall about 8 years ago and it was some of the best fishing I have ever had. That should wrap up the summer nicely and the girls will then be back in school at their new digs. Praying for a smooth transition for them, I can tell you they are having just a great summer only issue is we are way off schedule on our sleep times. To bed after midnight and up at the crack of noon lately.

I have been really putting a ton of miles on my bike had another long ride today. I feel great and really am getting in shape. Probably will join the YMCA for the winter to stay active and keep this roll going. Also playing a lot of softball. We play in a tournament this weekend and then start playoffs Monday for the league we are in, I am amazed everytime I play that my 60 year old father in law can still bring it like he is 30 he runs circles around some of the 20 somethings out there.

Things ahave really settled in, our little home is now complete and we are living very comfortabley out of it. Still owe a great big THANK YOU to my Mother and Father in law for allowing us to take the apartment it has really allowed me to enjoy this time before my next adventure in the job world. I very much enjoy Jodi spending a lot of time with her Mom and sister hanging out and dong that crazy garage sale thing. It has also been great being to see Jeff, Tracie, Jacey and Jackson a whole bunch. Especialy when Uncle Trucker gets to watch them for a while.....best job in the world!!!

So for those who are wondering about my job search know that on Sept 17, I will start back looking full bore. The area I'm seeking won't be very far from here so that makes it much more simple. Well that about sums it up for now. Have a blessed day!!!

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Moving to the next phase.....

Well we have returned from a great visit to my Mom and Dad's. Got to spend great time with my Nephew's Mark and David and see some old friends with a trip down memory lane at a swim meet last Thursday night. Also worked to get my Mom and Dad's computer up and running and clean up some of the issues they were having. This trip was one of the things I really wanted to do with my new found free time and the trip was better than planned for sure.

Now as I return home. My wife spent many hours putting the finishing touches on our new "little" home. It is amazing that we went from a 3500 sq ft house to a small two bedroom apartment and we are finding plenty of room for our stuff. I can tell you the cleaning and maintaining of our little house is so much easier, I really like it. Jodi put that speical touch with pictures and decorations that made it comfortable. The girls are settling into their bunk beds and sharing a room pretty well, it is a big change for them. But by the laughing and giggling coming from the room at night when the lights go out it can't be all bad. Do you remember those days if you shared a room with a sibling? So now its time to start slowly thinking about whats next.

God has told me, "one day at a time". I will honor that. Yesterday Jodi and I went to Wells Fargo and set up a bunisess account for her business. She has been successful in gaining some pretty good accounts and it is time to take it to the next level. We have hired our first employee, well second if you count me, our cousin Jon to help work the cities as he begins to use his degree to gain some experience. I also spent the night getting our credit card reader set up so we can now take cards off my Ipad and speed up the payment process greatly. This is all very exciting. My heart is being lead to this and it is where I feel God wants me to put my time. We are going to build a godly business with a good part of it going back to the Kingdom for what god intends the money for. Our business is JC Wanner Athelitic Apparel and Promotions. We will follow the book "Annointed for Business" as our model. In this book Jodi and I learned that the marketplace can be the best ministry there is and that god wants to use this area to reach the lost and to prosper the kingdom. We actually taught a class on it at our church where I think we learned more from it than anyone. Jodi is a gifted salesperson, she can sell ice to and Eskimo, I bring the business and admin piece to the puzzle and mirroring up our two talents should with God's blessing take us where we need to go.

But for now going to continue enjoying the summer. Tonight I am taking my mother in law and her friends out fishing. This has been something we have been trying to do for years and I really look forward to finally making it happen and maybe it being a regular event. Hope it works better than last night when the girls and I got chased off the lake by a storm that popped up. Oh well, Hayley still caught one fish in the 20 minutes we were out.

So I can say I am beginning to settle into a grove. Next major step is finding a church to settle into. Youth group is a very important requirement. Our girls have a solid foundation in the lord, I really want them to find a youth group where God can use thier gifts and talents and to grow in their walk. I think I know where god wants me to go just waiting for that validation. Take care and make sure you are taking time to spend time in his presence, it will make a difference believe me.

Friday, July 20, 2012

News.....tough to watch

I wish I could write about the two great days I have had here in Rochelle but God has a different idea for me so here it is.

I first want to say I will add the families of all effected by the horrible tragedy in Colorado today to my prayer list. I hate watching the news it truly is depressing and rough to watch our great society slip deeper into disappear. So my heart and thoughts stay with those families while the news stations try to figure out how to make more money off these poor people. NBC news kept bringing a 17 year old boy on who escaped out of the theater, as the day wore on he was exhausted and they kept asking him questions to dig deeper to relive the tragedy he just witnessed and then said, "he must be in shock thinking about this", IDOITS!!!!! (sorry, just frustrated and hate stupidity)

I want to say I'm not political at all I think they all are messed up and have only thier self interests at hand. But I have to ask why are we shocked when a person acts out what is put out in front of us and our kids each day on a movie, tv screen or a video game system, where senseless violence and death our normal? Death in the game world isn't real and the more violent you make it the cooler and more popular the game. Just add a little sexual content and you have a mega hit on your hand. It is sad. Hey I'm far from perfect and I have watched plenty of movies that probably I shouldn't have but for today's society this is all the norm. I guess it is a lot easier to keep my girls away from it just because they are, well, girls. I guess the only way to control it is we as parents have to intercede and be parents not our kids best friends. I guess for anything they are exposed to via any medium has to be scrutinized. It drives my daughters crazy when I make them turn off Wizards of Waverly place because of the witchcraft reference. Our an I Carley or Disney show when the characters are just simply not talking nice to eachother. Jodi and I call it speaking life to one another and if the words are not positive about someone then they should be said.

God has placed it on my heart to be bold tonight so here it is. Look at what your kids are playing with and watching. Would it be pleasing to God and his son? And also wouldn't we honor those lost today by taking a stand against the things of this world that truly go against all that Jesus died for on the cross? Maybe your a non believer as you read this, then do it for those people and the shooters parents who just cannot make sense out of what happened and that a trip to a movie theater which we have all done, changed thier lives forever.

Jesus we need you, I need you and I pray for all those to come to know you, your safety and comfort and awesome love that I experience everyday.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My childhood home visit....

Just completed the 8 hour journey down to Rochelle, Il to my boyhood home to visit my mom and dad. Abbey and Hayley joined me, Jodi she stayed home because she had to work. That just sounds strange? Can I tell you god is always working. There were a ton of heavy storms in out path but as we got close to them they had either passed by or were just off to the west or north. God's perfect timing is in everything to keep us safe. When you believe and pray for God's protection it is always there, again, another simple example that I used to take for granted until I slowed my life down and now can see things more clearly.

As I write this post I am looking out over our backyard. A lot has changed, the trees are certinly taller, some of the landscaping is different but the yard where I played many hours of football and baseball our still in tact. This is the place where I was a all pro quaterback, an all star hitter, and a super hero, but most of all I was just a little boy who had everything in the world. I am very blessed to have had such a wonderful childhood, it made me the person I am today. My parents were terffic, loving when I needed love, hard on me when I was wandering off the path but most of all they just made things safe and comfortable. I think things today have become way to complicated, the I Pad I am typing on is great but for a kid it distracts them away from using their imaginations to be more than they are right now. Simple play. I remember one time we had a huge snow drift that I carved out the cockpit of the Mach V, that was Speed Racers car for those who don't know and I played in that for hours and days. I truly believed in my mind that it existed and I had more fun doing that than any toy I ever recieved. Dreams and Dreamers are what made this country, where has that spirit gone in this time of political correctness?

As for my Mom and her health, she looks great and is getting around well. My dad has been taking great care of himself also and has lost weight and is getting around much better than before. 17 years of my mom battling cancer has taken a toll though. Her short term memory from the chemo and radiation has been greatly effected though she works through it she gets frustrated at times the simple things she forgets. I say most of what she forgets are not important so I think it is a blessing. Having her girls here adds a spark to her step she said this morning that this is the best she has felt in a year, grand kids have that magic power you know, make sure your parents get to enjoy there grand kids no matter what family circumstance is occurring, it is just part of the natural flow of life.

My friend Jeff Kerr posted a great blog yesterday on following Gods path and trusting him and not what the world says is right or wrong. You can read it on his web site fourthfloor.org and see the amazing things God is doing with a family that has put all thier trust in him to take care of them. Though I am a baby on this journey I am on, it is great having friends we can turn to who understand the challenges we face. Interesting the challenges 99.9% of the time are not on what I am doing walking away from corporate america, it is more on the opinions and ideas others have on what they perceive on how I should live my life. I chose to trust god and not the world.

Today will be fun. Mom and Dad, Mark and David and the girls and I are going to surprise Uncle John for lunch for his 50th b-day next week. He flew into Rockford last night on a lay over so were taking this time to celebrate his day. He has no idea his nieces are here...SHHHHHHHH.....have a blessed day!!!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Weekend in review

Man weekends are crazy but its a good crazy, you know the kind I'm talking about.

Friday night I took Abbey for her first trip into the pits at the races in Fergus Falls. We rode with Jeff and Larry in the hauler up there. She loved it, she is a Race Girl. She still has the arm band on that they give you. The race well that wasn't so good. Jeff got caught up in a wreck when the leader spun out on his own, really who does that? Jeff had a theory on why but I can't put that in print. The wreck started a quandry of errors that I will say upset Jeff just a tad and his car ended up staying in the inflield until after the races and the fireworks display was over. The night ended with a banged up car and some tired pit crew members and a race just 18 hours away. But true to form the team would sleep and ralley the next morning to get ready for Saturday night.

Saturday we got to spend a great time out on the lake with Mindy and Marty, Jacey and Tracie, along with Hayley, Jodi and me. Abbey was just a tad to tired after Friday night she needed a alone hang out day. Very hot the waters of Lake Carlos felt great!!! Then I headed off to the races to try it all again. And of course the 29 won less than 24 hours from the disaster of Friday night. I guess it is why it is so addictive, its the highs and lows but when its a high its a good high!! Hung out at the track after until 230 am. Thanks JT for the pizza after your win too, I do like the Philly Cheese Steak the best.

Sunday Jodi worked on organizing our place. Got through our room and getting our cloths taken care of. Its tight but they fit and it looks really good. Just the kitchen to organize and were done with this part of the move. Jodi started working at Angelinas last night. The girls and I went into visit. Man can that girl light up a room. SHe is so good with people and just loves to make everyone happy they are very lucky to have her on the team. I proud of you Jodi!!

Well its start of a new week, though I think I'm going to melt. It is suppose to be 107 with the heat index today.....Lake Carlos here we come!!!

Friday, July 13, 2012

It has arrived....

Yeah, our stuff finally arrived about 3pm yesterday. We unloaded until about 7 pm last night and began unpacking. Looks like everything made it in decent shape considering it rode via truck and train. Got our bed set up and slept in it last night, now it feels like home. Chevy the cat who loves our bed slept with Jodi and I all night right in the same spot he always did, he also is settling in. Lots of unpacking to do today but it really should not be that hard. The challenge will be organizing in a smaller space as we have downsized greatly.

I guess I can close out this chapter of this great adventure that started on May 9 in Las Vegas when I was given a choice on my future and made the choice to trust god. Now on July 12 the first step of choosing to be free and take my life back has been accomplished, it took a ton of hard work and faith. God really did a lot these past two months. Not necessarily in the big things but all the small little things he manipulated to keep us on the right track and fill in our needs at every turn.

Now as we finished settling in we begin the next chapter. One thing for sure is that we will take it one day at a time. That is hard to do as you all know but if you walk through today and trust that god is out ahead of you clearing the path, it is much easier to stay on the right one. As we project into the distance and future we see so many things we want in our worldly minds that we start wandering off gods path and when you wander off it takes time to get back on and those are the seasons of trails in our lives.

My thanks go out to Jodi who has been the greatest wife through all this, her effort and support has been unmatched. She has and always will be by my side. She has always believed in me even when I didn't believe in myself. She has honored god with her loving heart for all people no matter what and I truly believe the next chapter in our lives is more about her than me. Thanks Yolti for hanging in there these past two months you rock!!

My second foot just landed on the bridge of faith and I'm all in now.......

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Taking a step over the edge....

Messing with the design again trying to be able to post more pictures it is a work in progress. I thought the other background was to dark so I brightened it up a bit. I am still a mental midget when it comes to this computer thing. I know just enough to be dangerous.

Well our stuff is suppose to be here today, as of 1pm still nothing, like everything else I'm sure it will be tomorrow. Moving.......and Moving companies....ugh!!! I am excited to get it and set up our little home. Jodi has been working her tail off to get ready organizing everything and has done a great job as usual. She rocks, if you want to hire her to organize your life and things let me know she truly likes to do it.

I got a lot of comments on my prayer blog yesterday, if you need prayers for anything please send them to me in email at wanner.michael@hotmail.com and I will add them to my list. They will be held in complete confidence I am the only one who has access to this email account and my list is private. I think it is really important that I do this. My list grew for myself overnight as I reflected on differnt things in my life. If the list grows and I have to spend the whole day praying over it I will because like I said yesterday our Dad likes to hear from all of us. Todays reading was on God's love....there is about 50 blogs on that alone.

I leave you with these thoughts that I was was hit with today as I learned about God's true love. Our worldly view of passing and leaving this earth scares all of us correct? What god lead me to today is that we all hold a clear "worldly view" of death. We all fear the unknown and we are scared when we don't know what will happen next in our everyday lives. What he taught me today is the godly view of this would be exact oppisite. If all of us knew and believed what heaven really was like would we fear death? There are many glimpses of heaven in the bible, you get a new body, eternal life and happiness are promised, no more sorrow or pain. If you believe his word would we all just walk right into it leaving this world behind? And the only ticket we need to get there is believing his son Jesus died for our sins and we are washed clean, then our name is put on the list for the eternal party!! This is also why it is so important to get all the people we love and care about to know Gods truth and his son Jesus so they can join us in this wonderful place.

I know talking about death isn't popular but what I'm learning as I have taken this step over the cliff into my new life is that he is there, I'm am living ulimate faith that he is in control and that he will take care of me here on earth. It just makes it simple for me to believe in heaven now. It's like the scene from Indiana Jones where he is at the cliffs edge and if he believed there would be a way across. He believed and stepped off and god provided the bridge. I just planted my first foot firmly on God's bridge and if I believe the path will remain clear to safety and comfort.

Have a wonderful day

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Gone Fishing....

Yeaterday I made it offical I went and got my Minnesota drivers and fishing license, then I took the girls out last night fishing, what a great time. The girls did really well, Abbey caught 6 fish including two walleye, Hayley got four and Daddy had 5, including two really big largemouth bass. But into each life a little rain must fall, as the bugs started there attack at sunset last night I went to start the boat.....nothing the three year old battery had its last day. Here we are about a 1/2 mile from the boat launch, not a boat in sight and under major bug attack, in the pitch dark. A moment of panic set in. Called Jodi and told her our issue, bless her heart like she was going to be able to help? The short moment of panic lead to a idea started by Abbey holding a rope and me saying maybe I will swim the boat in. Yes finally, all those years of swim team finally paid off. I grabbed a life vest and tied the rope to the front then around my waste and proceeded to swim a 3500 pound boat a 1/2 mile to the dock. All my working out started to kick in. Doesn't seem too bad, if you think that you should try it, there isn't a work out on the planet that can hit all the muscle groups I did. So a bad situation turned positive and Abbey at the end thanked me for being so brave, kind of made me feel good.

In my reflection time this morning I used god's message he gave to Pete on Sunday about praying and put it into use. One of the greatest tips given in the message was to create a prayer list. I sat down and made one this morning I ended up with about ten topics to pray on, the first one was thanking god for this blessing of time he has given me to enjoy my life and to prepare for what is next. We all have heard messages on praying and that its important. We all have said and heard I will be praying for you, how many of us actually have done what we have said? I will admit it 99.9% of the time it was just words to comfort in the momment. I challenge all of you who are reading this to take 5 minutes and jot down what you believe you should pray about, then carve out a small amount of time today and pray theough the list. Our lists will all look differnt but God wants to hear from us even though he knows all. There is no right or wrong way to pray god isnt judging or presentation, our father just wants us to talk to him about what is on our minds. Matthew 6 verse 5-8 gives you instructions for how to pray if you need to see in the word what god is looking for, no better instruction manual than the word of god, is there? This will be my focus now, it is clearly the one area I am lacking in greatly and the message on Sunday truly hit home. Just think you might be on my prayer list as I am talking to the father about what ever it is your going through in a quite private moment with the one who can fix everything, there is great peace in that. Thanks to all who have been lifting me up in their prayers through the years, I look to return the favor now. I know one for sure in Franky who has been praying for me long before I ever met Jodi and with him on my side praying I know he is listening!!

Have a blessed day!!!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Big Catch Up

Back to the blogosphere!!! Not that I haven't had anything to write, it is just there has been so much going on that I just havent had time to write it all down. Here is the summary of the last few wonderful days that the lord has blessed me with, most importantly the wonderful people we have gotten to spend it with.

The 4th of July. It was oppressively hot and humid, mid 90's and dew points in the upper 70's making it feel like a 105 and making you feel like you were sprayed by a garden hose all day. We had the 5th annnual Trucker Wanner fireworks display and party. This year we had over 60 people attend. Fun evening of food and fireworks and yes, the bean bag tournement won by my father in law Larry and Rick. Earlier in the day our good friends Bob and Hillary and their two boys drove up to spend the 4th and 5th. We went out and enjoyed the boat parade on Lake Carlos. We met Tracie, Andrea, Jacey and Jackson who had his first trip on Truckers boat. After the parade we found the deepest, coldest spot on the lake to swim and beat the heat, there is no better way to do it than that.

We spent the fifth all day out on the water with Bob and Hillary. It was just one of those perfect days with a mix of fun, sun and relaxing and some great conversation. I even made it on the tube with Abbey and Hayley offically brought the first fish of the season in, a nice large mouth bass that put up a great fight but she handled it like a pro. Way daddy's girl!!

Friday we got to go to a family wedding, our cousin Joey married Bobbie Jo. They were married in the same church as Jodi and I and also had their reception at the Barn. That was the first time I have been back to the Barn for a wedding, I can't believe we had 350 people in there? It was a lot of fun, I think the most fun I had was towards the end of the night when Shane, Rogg and I were sitting off the dance floor people watching commenting on the activities that were occuring there. Has anyone ever noticed that the more people drink the closer they get to eachother? Near the last songs alll the dancing was being done by 30 people in a 10 ft square area as they were singing the songs at the top of there lungs to eachother. By the way though my wife doesn't drink she was part of the dance circle. Funny, funny stuff for sure.

The weekend was filled with racing, it was the Mod nationals here in Alex. 50 plus of the best modified drivers in the country were here to compete it draws large crowds and makes for exciting racing. Jeff's race weekend didn't go so well, Saturday he made an aggressive move for the win that didn't quite work but sure was fun to watch, then Sunday the motor broke while leading a pretty stout field of cars. Hung out with the gang until 2:30 am Sunday night after the races shooting the breeze. Congrads to JT and the 52 for his second place finish and the $4500 he pocketed.

Also on Saturday we got to spend time with Jeff and Kristie Kerr and their wonderful family out on the boat. Jeff was the worship leader at our old church in Farmington which is one of the fastest growing churches in the country. He and Kristie are wonderfully talented and part of why I felt so great and grew so much there in that church. There worship music and creative talents God has blessed them with allows them to bring god's messages in many different forms and reach many people. The Kerr's have another connection to me. Jeff a year and half ago with a wife, four kids and a mortage walked away from that job. People couldn't believe it, why would he do that. After talking to him Saturday it was very clear, not matter where you work or what your title is there are just tremedous pressures and stress that take time and focus off what is really important in our lives. Jeff listened to God and took the huge leap of faith and trusted that god would take care of them and he has!! Is it always easy and a bed of roses, no, but what ever is? Jeff has written a book, "Either He's God or He's Not" I have a copy and look forward to reading it. If your interested in getting the book go to Fourthfloor.org for a copy and to learn more about the awesome things Jeff and Kristie are doing for the Kingdom. So I can say god has put a great friend in my path to help me through those tough times, someone who truly understands that "step over the cliff" and Gods mighty hand there to catch you.

The first week has been crazy and good lots going on, things are beginning to settle down now a bit. Found out yesterday our household goods are in Chicago and they will be here in another three days, man it will be nice to get my bed!!! I can say no regrets, do miss my LA friends and I think of you often hang in there summer is half way done!!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

New blog coming

Sorry I have had a busy few days lots to blog about look for a new and probably long blog to catch up. Had a great day with our friends the Kerr's who understand the leap of faith better than anyone that I took. Talk to you all soon.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer fun...and heat!!!!!

It's been a busy few days as we settle in more, for those who saw my Facebook Saturday the Crouse 29 race team pulled off a win the home track in dominating fashion. Nice job to Jeff and especially Larry for getting the motor back together and working like a champ.

Sunday we finally got my boat in the water. Abbey, Hayley and I met Jacey and my sister in law Tracie for a day out on the water. It was a perfect day the water temp in the lakes made it refreshing. We went to the beach, Jacey and I made a sand castle then the girls tubed a bit but the most fun was the swimming out in the middle of Lake Carlos. One of the fun traditions we have is finding a deep spot in the middle of the lake and dropping anchor and diving off the boat and just having a blast. The boat after being stored for almost 11 months ran perfect. Only exception is when we dropped Tracie and Jacey at the dock and as we were pulling away the engine died. Tried to start and when I put it into gear it would just stop. Thought the battery was dead, it is at its 3 year life mark. We got towed over to the launch and I got the boat on the trailer as I was getting out of the Tahoe Hayley says to me, "is this suppose to be like this daddy?" Somehow one of the ropes off the tubes had made it into the water and got wrapped up around the propeller. Oops!!! We headed home and then went out to a nice dinner. After dinner I spent the night organizing the apartment to make it move livable, I have the girls on beds with me on the floor and were making due until our stuff arrives. My car has made it to Minneaplois so we head down tomorrow to get it.

Tonight (Monday), I played my first double header with my new softball team, JCWanner promotional marketing. They have to be nice to me since my name is on the shirts. We won both games, looked pretty good as a team lots of hits and really good fielding. My 60 year old father in law was the star. Two head first slides into home to score. It was HOT, 90 plus today with 70 percent dew point it was thick and the state bird was out in force at the game. Wow, forgot how aggressive they are at night. The other part of the day I spent doing yard work. Mowing, weed eating and cleaning as we get ready for the Trucker Wanner fireworks extravaganza!! Year 5 I believe. It has evolved into quite a big deal with games and great food and most of all great friends and family. It was nice getting out in the yard it has been a long time since I have done anything like that and it really looks nice everything is nice and green.

Well I am beginning to settle in things don't seem as crazy as they were. I have had my moments, stange they have come when I am doing the things I love the most. It so nice to see the girls adjusting very well and spending quality time with their cousins I think it is really importan to have that close bond as they grow up in life. Summer has arrived finally and I'm going to keep enjoying it to the fullest.

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Hollywood to Fergus Falls

I would like to thank my brother in law Jeff for today's title after a hot night at the races in Fergus Falls,MN. We were sitting up in the stands watching the modified race when Jeff said its a little different here than Hollywood, I said just a little. Though it was a tough night for the 29 after a really good heat race, we still managed as always to have fun. The best part of the night is during the late model race when the two leaders tangled and the one car after being hit, went all the way through the grass in the infield and slid up right in front of the guy who spun him and collected him in a wreck knocking him out of the race. It should be on You Tube today if you search Late model feature I 94 speedway on June 29th. Funny stuff.

Why these nights are special is that it is a lot of your average Joe's out there competing their hearts out not for not a lot of money or a trophy just more to prove they can build a car and win. In Hollywood it is to put up an image like your winning or doing well so you look better than the next guy. Doesn't mean your happy but you have a lot of things. One thing you notice right away At the track is it is a family affair. Many of the racers bring wives, kids, grandma and grandpas to the track and hang out. There is a lot of things going on with the cars but also a lot interaction between the family members and not via text or phone,yes, people actually talking to eachother. The stands are also filled with families have a good somewhat inexpensive night out. There is good food and drink and lots of debate on who did what to who to wreck them out there it he bull ring.

For twenty years now I have been apart of this race thing. Last night it was Jeff, myself and my father in law Larry who took the car to the track. We were joined by most of the crew. Shane, Rogger, Blair Dog who do this week in and week out riding the roller coaster of success and failure based on the night. Last night we ended up in the valley of the roller coaster, but guess what the crew is back at it again this morning working on the car with brand new hopes of a great night here in Alexandria and another win for the 29 car. The work is tough but when you really love to do something it isn't really work is it? They dont see it that way, though it can be frustrating most times. I hope to apply this in my next job and always keep that perspective. I have been out of practice for awhile so I'm still finding my way around how they do things. One thing for sure is I can keep them fed, Chef Trucker is back it he house for some race track grilling!!!

It is great to be back in the fray just one piece of the great life I have returned to.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Day One in Alexandria

To steal a line from Dumb and Dummer....."Were there!" We have arrived in Alexandria safe and sound thank you Jesus for a safe quick trip. Body is all messed up, sometimes I feel like I'm moving at 80 in the car then I get tired trying to adjust to the time zone change. Can I say I don't know whether I'm coming or going right now.

A couple highlights to the day, one coffee on the front porch listening to all the birds singing was quite nice. I haven't heard that in a long time. Weather was perfect, sunny no wind and a nice temp. Hayley joined me out there and we just talked and hung out for awhile. The second thing I did was get the boat out of the warehouse. For being stored all winter she wasn't in bad shape. Hayley and I washed her up nice and clean. Then I did some light maintenance work on her, mainly just charging the battery and tightening a few screws and she is ready for the water. Probably won't get out on the lake until Saturday we have lots to do trying to get a little organized in our new place before all of our stuff comes. The thrid and clearly the most fun thing we did was Jodi, the girls and my Niece Jacey went to city park and played....yes I played too. I posted a pick on facebook of the girls in the water playing. They are going to have to learn that when it's summer in Minnesota you need to always have a swimsuit under there cloths to hit the lake at anytime. Abbey as we were walking to the park from the lake she said, "Dad, I love Minnesota."

In my quite time this morning god is really working on me to trust him fully and take one day at a time. It's hard when your life is unorganized, I look forward to create a new routine of spending time with him and blogging the great things he is doing in my life. Like I said earlier I just feel out of sorts, it all hasn't sunk in yet. I will get there though it is hard Jodi also but as a team will work through this. God always is ahead of me working everything out it is up to me how I live each day now to get to what he has done for me. No matter what he is right there protecting me and making sure everything is provided for. He is an awesome god!

Race day tomorrow, heading up with Jeff to Fergus Falls, MN and 1-94 Speedway to see him race. Can't wait it has been almost a year since I have seen him on the track.

One more great note, my mom went to all her doctors in Iowa and she is doing great. The recovery this time has been tough but it looks like the radiation treatments did what they were suppose to. What and incredible story she is, 6 times beating cancer, nothing I'm going through even comes close. I love you mom and dad thanks for never giving up and being by her side even when it sometimes wasn't looking very good you are a rock star.

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Truckers Log

Day two of the journey home included a little jaunt between St. George, Utah and Billings, MT that covered 825 miles is about 13 hours. As I sit here is Billings we have about 700 miles left today back to Alex and two little girls excited to see there parents. We traveled 1125 miles on I-15 northbound to get to the turn eastbound towards Minnesota, gives a little perspective on how far north the northern states really are. When you look at the map of LA to Billings it really is impressive on the miles and distance we have covered.

Very pretty drive, some things of note. We covered Utah, Idaho and a 250 stretch in Montanna. Temps started out near 100 degrees in St. George to a low near Butte, MT of 53 degrees. On these 800 miles we traveled through the painted desert, skirted the Great Salt Lake and ended up high in the rockies last. You forget how light it stays the further north you go. At 10 pm last night the sun was finally going behind the horizon. Other thing that was obvious is the lack of people, when you leave a county of 9 million people you get use to close quarters. There were stretches in Idaho and Montanna where I didn't see a car or a truck for 20 minutes.

I have driven the entire way, Jodi has relaxed, which after the last 4-5 days is a true blessing. Our bodies are enjoying just sitting for a change though its amazing how tired we were by the time we reached Billings. Short and sweet today, Trucker needs to get back on the road talk to you from home, it has a nice ring to it!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

LA to Utah....

Good Tuesday morning from St. George, Utah a six hour drive from LA last night. Day one in the books. Where do I start with the move. Movers showed up ok truck was empty things looked pretty good. They got started and the games began. We knew we had some more than originally planned so we agreed to some additional cost, signed the paper and packing the truck began. Here is where the movers scam kicks in. At the halfway point the driver called Jodi and I over and stated after talking to his dispatcher they were going to have to charge us even more. Convenient, right at the point of no return. Not only it was more it was more than double the original quote. Needless to say I was ticked. Also, at the same point in time the car movers for my car called and said they will pick up my car the day after we left. So at this point my personality is not very good for the situation and Jodi's kicks in.

Jodi skills she has developed in her businesses really began to show. She just told the car movers, "no you will pick up the car today", it had been booked since May 15. Then she turned her attention to the movers. She wasted no time. She told the guy in charge stop everything and she was going to make some calls. She started her way with the sales rep that we booked with and worked her way up to the District Manager. Fast forward and about an hour and a half and she had the whole situation worked out and the actual cost for the amount of stuff we are moving was considerably less than the original quote we had received. I have been on the other end of the Jodi "isn't so happy" moments and I can tell you when I saw her switch into that mode I knew we were in good hands. It even makes me more excited to expand her business back in Minnesota, she is good!! I am very proud of her on how she handled everything yesterday, it was falling apart fast and she grabbed the reigns.

Movers and car were complete about 3 pm yesterday, then we finished cleaning. Can I tell you I will never have a big house again. 3 hours we cleaned after I had been doing it for the 3 days prior. Every time I turned around there was something or some area that still needed to be done. At 6:30pm I finished mopping the kitchen finally and then we packed the Tahoe. We left Redondo Beach at 7:30 pm and started the trek.

At this point the car ride could have gone two ways, good or bad. It turned out great. Getting started late we missed traffic and we breezed to Las Vegas in 4 hours even after a short stint through some one lane construction. Jodi again stepped it up. XM radio is the greatest, she cranked up the music, mainly the 80's channel and rocked our way to St. George, Utah a pretty town right on the AZ, NV border. One quick observation I noticed quickly being out of LA. Night and how dark it is, you don't get that in the bright lights of 9 million people in LA county. I saw the stars.....wow it was spectacular. We will put down some miles today to get us with in striking distance to home Wednesday. We miss our girls I am so proud of them they have handled this well.

Trucker Wanner in full effect........

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Top of the mountain....

After 3 days we have done it, the house is packed as of 10:30 pm Sunday night just 8 hours before the movers arrive. We made it to the top of this huge mountain only thing left to do is the bed were sleeping on and a quick clean and were on the road. Yes, Jodi and I still like eachother though tonight were a little punchy. Jodi said tonight this move thing seemed easier when we were 10 years younger. Both our backs are shot, we can barely bend down and there isnt a muscle that doesn't hurt. We need a three day car ride just to recover a bit. Now let's see if they can get it all on the truck their bringing we have never had much luck in the past it always seems they bring the wrong size to our house it would be nice if they get it in one shot. I can't believe it is June 25th tomorrow and were leaving California.

We have had some fun over the last couple of days mixed in with packing. Saturday night we had a great party at Susan's house with a lot of great friends. One more good bye for now. The food was excellent, Mexican, yummy!!! I also sampled one of Susan's famous margaritas, they will put some life in ya!!! It was tough leaving, Jodi had a real hard time there are some great stories and memories of awesome things we got to do out here.

Then today we met Jim and Sherri Heerwagen and their daughter Allie in Laguna Beach for lunch. Jim and Sherri were the second family Jodi nannied for in Texas. Their oldest son Austin wasn't there, Jodi and I met them when he was 6 months old. Jim and Sherri taught us how to bless people in many ways. At one point Jodi and I and our baby kitties lived with them for about 6 months after I finished college. Truly wonderful people and so glad we go to see them today. Laguna is amazing if you come to California it is where everyone should stay. Very different from LA and a amazing beach.

It is still all pretty surreal right now that we're leaving maybe it has been the craziness of packing that has kept our minds off it. The girls are having fun back in Minnesota. Nights are hard for them when thier tired they really miss us then. Thank you Aunt Mindy for taking them to the fair today they had a great time they told us all about it tonight. Abbey said you played cards tonight, watch out she cheats....just like her Uncle Brian or as we call him Uncle Toots!!! Just want to take a minute to thank everyone that has helped us out over the past three weeks as we have gone through this process, could have done it with all your support.

Hopefully if all goes well tomorrow, I will be blogging from somewhere in Utah as the "Trucker" takes to the road. "North bound and down, loaded up and trucking!!!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Are we having fun yet?

Well full on packing day 2. I have a great idea for a marriage boot camp. It requires trying to condense and pack a 5 bedroom house down to a 26 foot truck and at the end set up and have a garage sale. Oh wait this is my life. Jodi and I have been working two days straight and have about 85% done with all the major items complete just our room to do. We really took our time and did it right. And the best part of all we still like eachother. As I write this Jodi is setting up her garage sale, goal is to see how many tanks of gas we can fund with the last items we are getting rid of.

I can say we are now ready to leave. As we went to lunch today Jodi said to me, "I'm ready to leave now", that's big she had been struggling the last few days but it no longer feels like home with out the kids and the kitties, we now just feel like vistors again. Don't get us wrong we really enjoyed Califorina especially the weather and friends but hearing all the fun things the kids are doing with family makes me home sick. I want to say here thanks Nana Dee for taking care of the girls!!!!!

Tomorrow will be fun, after the garage sale we are going to get together with some great friends from work and enjoy a Fiesta party. It will be nice to be out of the house and being social. Well I'm dead tried time to hit the hay.......even as hard as these last two days have been physically I still know I am truly blessed by what is happening in my life. Thank you Jesus!!!!

3 days until Trucker is back on the road putting down another 2,000 miles in my log book!!!

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Packing day....

Well Abbey and Hayley and our two kitties are in Minnesota. Safe smooth journey yesterday even the kitties were well behaved, except one minor incident when Jodi was petting Chevy on the plane and he almost escaped. I talked to the girls last night they were very happy, and of course they were goofing it up with their Uncle Jeffy. Jodi made her round trip back and forth, left at 1230 and was back at 930 last night she was tired but relieved that part of the move was over. Now its packing time......

Today we will pack the house. Best described as were standing at the foot of the mountain and the only way to climb it is one step at a time. And of course we have a organized plan to take it one room at a time. They don't call Jodi the organizater for nothing. It is strangely quite in the house, no cats meowing to drink out of the bath tub, no TV going with one of the girls watching or the sound of their little feet playing upstairs, for the first time this house doesn't feel like home anymore. Can't tell you I'm happy or sad at the moment just feeling weird I guess.

I have taken up some a new hobby with my free time, it's called getting back in shape. For the last 10 days or so I have been mirroring up my bike rides with some simple upper body work outs. My girls think its funny watching their 44 year old dad do push ups and sit ups. They say, daddy you have six pack abs...six pack of pudding cups...so its on, I'm going for old man washboard abs this summer!!! Have any of you tried this planking thing to get your core stronger...OMG!!! It will say it works if you can get through the pain and strain.

One more thing, I spent sometime at the airport yesterday seeing the girls off. I ran into a lot of great people and had some wonderfaul conversations, thanks to all of you for your help. Can I say though honestly, one, LAX airport is the worst airport in the country, too much in a small space and two, I will not miss the job and the craziness but certinly miss the fine folks who do the job everyday. It was a great decision to move on.

Ok time to go work.......

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

My road map for my new life

June 20th....the day my daughters move back to Minnesota. Abbey and Hayley fly today back home. We had a wonderful day yesterday, it had a lot of laughs and tears as we said until next time (I don't believe in good byes it is until next time) to Hayley's friend Amy and her family. The honey do list is big today after I drop them at the airport best thing is to just jump into it and knock it out!!

In my reading time this morning I was brought to Romans 12. Romans 12 is Gods plan for how to live your life and the road map Jodi and I are following as we venture off in the our journey. I have posted it below for you to read.

Romans 12:1-21 NIRV

"Brothers and sisters, God has shown you his mercy. So I am asking you to offer up your bodies to him while you are still alive. Your bodies are a holy sacrifice that is pleasing to God. When you offer your bodies to God, you are worshiping him.

Don't live any longer the way this world lives. Let your way of thinking be completely changed. Then you will be able to test what God wants for you.

And you will agree that what he wants is right. His plan is good and pleasing and perfect. God's grace has been given to me. So here is what I say to every one of you. Don't think of yourself more highly than you should. Be reasonable when you think about yourself. Keep in mind the amount of faith God has given you. Each of us has one body with many parts. And the parts do not all have the same purpose. So also we are many persons. But in Christ we are one body. And each part of the body belongs to all the other parts. We all have gifts. They differ in keeping with the grace that God has given each of us. Do you have the gift of prophecy? Then use it in keeping with the faith you have. Is it your gift to serve? Then serve. Is it teaching? Then teach. Is it telling others how they should live? Then tell them. Is it giving to those who are in need? Then give freely. Is it being a leader? Then work hard at it. Is it showing mercy? Then do it cheerfully. Love must be honest and true. Hate what is evil. Hold on to what is good. Love each other deeply. Honor others more than yourselves. Never let the fire in your heart go out. Keep it alive. Serve the Lord. When you hope, be joyful. When you suffer, be patient. When you pray, be faithful. Share with God's people who are in need. Welcome others into your homes. Bless those who hurt you. Bless them, and do not call down curses on them. Be joyful with those who are joyful. Be sad with those who are sad. Agree with each other. Don't be proud. Be willing to be a friend of people who aren't considered important. Don't think that you are better than others. Don't pay back evil with evil. Be careful to do what everyone thinks is right. If possible, live in peace with everyone. Do that as much as you can. My friends, don't try to get even. Leave room for God to show his anger. It is written, "I am the One who judges people. I will pay them back," (Deuteronomy 32:35) says the Lord. Do just the opposite. Scripture says, "If your enemies are hungry, give them food to eat. If they are thirsty, give them something to drink. By doing those things, you will pile up burning coals on their heads." (Proverbs 25:21,22) Don't let evil overcome you. Overcome evil by doing good."

See it at YouVersion.com:

A big part of what we are doing is living opposite of what the world says we should do. That sounds easy when you look at choosing good verse evil. But what if the world says you have to have more and that you should strive to succeed and have more. The first and most often asked question is Mike, where you going to work whats your next job? Folks, I don't know but God does. I do know I am suppose to be in Alexandria Minnesota and god has cleared that path big time to get there. Jodi said it best yesterday we are going to where God wants us to live and not where some company wants me. Doesn't that go against the worldly norm?

It really boils down to these simple rules in this scripture, offer up our bodies when were still alive, do opposite the world, be humble, love, use our gifts, honor others more than ourselves, be joyful with those who are joyful and be sad with those who our sad and let God do the judging and punishing of our enemies. Most of all trust God's plan in faith.

This is the map, I know will be constantly refering back to it to make sure were on the right roads as we head out into the unknown. Man God must just be smiling right now!!

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

When things get tough

Just celebrated our 18th wedding anniversary yesterday. Thanks for all the warm wishes we recieved. Our trek through marriage could be a series of blogs itself for sure all with a great ending because no matter the high and lows we have we have always been there for eachother and our love and friendship won out in the end of any crisis. I hate that society has made marriages disposable and that when you think your done with it you just throw it out. Really would any of you married couples want to hit the dating pool out there? (Sorry single folks its true). But to what I really want ot blog about.

We have hit the tough part of this journey. As I write today it is the last day for Abbey and Hayley here in Cali. For Abbey no big deal for Hayley it is the last day for her and her very dear friend Amy to spend together. You forget those little friendships are more than just the two of them. Amy has a great family and we really enjoy her Mom and Dad. I had taken Abbey to the ortho yesterday and then all the girls and thier friends to laser tag. I got back home and saw Jodi very sad. I thought what went wrong, something with our move plans? That's the guy in me. She said she had been in Target and she couldn't stop crying. She had talked to Amy's mom and the reality of the situation came on her full force. At this point it was pretty late in the day and I had the Wanner hungary on, that is when a Wanner boy doesn't eat and gets extremely cranky. I didn't react as well as I could of but said hey lets get dinner. We went out and enjoyed a great dinner at a place called Stacks where you do all the ordering off an I Pad. Fun time had a lot of laughs with the girls. We got home Jodi was tired and I could still see she was pretty sad as she was laying on our bed. I fought my urge to "Fix Her" and just went up and kissed her on the cheek and said it was alright to be sad and I love you. Understand we as guys always want ot fix things it is our nature. What I'm finding out everyday especially with girls is that it is more important to be a rock to lean on and a ear to listen in every situation good or bad. I believe I have all this worldly profound wisdom, but only our god can fix our hearts.

For me I guess it hasn't hit yet that I know of? My time out here was a constant battle with moments of enjoyment scatterered in. It is the place that almost destroyed my marriage and my family because of my focus and identity being in my job. It had became my god and I was worshiping false idols. My work is where I spent all my time physically and mentalitly and everything else fell way down the priority list. Yes, so I have a little different perspective on this place but I said yesterday I will never regret this decision to come hear the trials shaped and molded me in the fire for God's great plan. I will ask here who is your god, your job, your debt, your hobbies, what is it that takes your focus off him?

God has put it on my heart to be very honest and lay it out for all to see so it may help someone along the way. God's promise is real but don't get fooled that just because your following him that everything will be perfect. Faith is when you trust him always, though Jodi is very sad right now I still trust his plan and that what she is going through is normal human emotion. I do know that Jodi isn't sad about our choice to leave, or the dramatic change in our life situation, it is her huge heart hurting for Amy and her family knowing how much their daughter will miss Hayley and there great friendship, that makes her real and the wonderful person she is. The world wants to make everything look easy and everything has a story book ending. God's story never ends, for those who believe we have eternal life, think about it our life and spirit go on forever in a new body free from all the worldly pain and emotions. Just think you can now wonder what you'll be doing when you turn 1 billion years old that will be quite a party!

Monday, June 18, 2012

Ramping up...and a top ten list

7 days until the move, things have gone into high gear. Really enjoyed a great Fathers Day, got to have In and Out for lunch, Double, Double Animal style with Animal Style fries, that is going to require 20 miles on the bike today.

Jodi and the girls went through their clothes and toys one more time and really shed down a lot. Thank goodness were having another garage sale Saturday it is going to be much bigger than we thought. Jodi and I call this one the "Tahoe Gas Money" sale. Girls fly on Wednesday, Jodi is packing the suit cases so were on track there. We have a couple things planned over the next few days with their friends and then off to Minnesota. I am very proud of them, they have handled it very well. We have been open and honest along the way and we have allowed them to express their feelings and emotions about the situation to help them go through it. Abbey is most excited about just being there, she is a true Minnesota girl and I truly believe that she will probably stay forever. Hayley is very excited about being close to her cousins. She can't wait to be close to Jacey, Jackson and Brooklyn and play and be apart of thier lives as they grow up. There is so much we all are looking forward to but most of all as I have said many times, the draw of being close to family is huge and it is a gap no matter what you just can't fill.

Jodi thought I should do a top ten things I will miss about California, don't know if I will get ten but here we go.

1- Our church- Coast has been an awesome church, it is where I learned about the holy spirit which allowed me the foundation to do what I'm doing to trust god in faith to full-fill his plan for me. They are getting it right, no one is turned away because of who our where your at on the worldly spectrum. Everytime I walk into that place I know god is there, it looks differnt than most churches I have seen, but the precence of God is sitting their healing and preparing the next generation for revival in a land that greatly needs it.

2- The weather, ok I can't lie the weather is awesome. Consistently nice, the problem is the cost you have to pay to live here. I don't know how the 9 million people in LA County afford it? They call it the sun tax.

3- The beach- ok enough said on that one.

4- Our house- A great rental with great landlords, I have to say it probably will be the only time I can afford to live in close to a 2 million dollar home 4 blocks from the ocean.

5- Jodi and I's Starbucks walks- Sounds simple but this is where we really spent great times talking about everything and working through issues or plans with a cup of our favorite drinks and a seat over looking the Pacific. Will find some way to replace it but it will be tough.

6-Disneyland, I am a Disney guy. We enjoyed having season passes for two years I would say we went there well over 20 times. I loved our Friday nights going there to hang out and just chill, it was one of the few true escapes I had here.

7-In and Out Burger, all I cay say is yummy....need these in Minnesota!!

8-Hayley's 4th grade teacher Miss Teran. She took a decent student and made her exceptional!! She taught her first how to love school and then the learning became easy.She is a true blessing to all the kids she touches.

9-Everything with in walking distance and the weather to enjoy it. It was nice if you needed anythng to just walk out and get it.

10-Bike rides, riding up and down, Redondo, Hermosa and Manhattan Beach was incredible. Miles of nice bike paths and incredible scenery. Though Minnesota has great bike paths, one just right outside of our door that takes us every where. This has allowed me a 44 years old to be in the best shape of my life and it feels good.

Ok, I got ten and all were pretty good. One thing missing in all of them was the family element, interesting? I will always remember these 2 1/2 years in Redondo Beach as a positive experience, no regrets we really enjoyed it!!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

New Look

Well changed up the look a little bit on the format of the blog hope you like it. It now has at the bottom where you can check a box to add a quick comment. It also seems easier to read with the color scheme. As of this morning I went over the 800 view mark on the blog in just 7 days, amazing how God uses all the tools out there.
Were now just 8 days from moving back to Minnesota, today will be packing the girls for their flight back on Wednesday. Time seems to be speeding up a bit but Jodi and I have a good plan were working off to keep everything in order. I really can't wait to post from our "Road Trip" back to Alexandria. Should be some interesting adventures along the way!!
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there but most of all to my Dad,who next to my Heavenly Father, is the best Dad in the world thanks for always believing in me no matter what!!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

My Minnesota top ten......

Ok I think I have the formatting thing fixed so it is easier to read. Today is my last offical day at Delta, tomorrow I am completly free from my airline career. So I thought I would have a little fun and see if I could come up with a top ten list of reasons why I look forward to moving back to Minnesota. These California people think were nuts so let's give it a whirl.

Top Ten Reasons for living in Minnesota:

1- Back close to family. We really miss everyone and Jodi and I were brought up being close to the family and doing things with them regularly, birthday's, holidays and just plain hanging out. Being closer to my Mom and Dad is very big too, epecially now as there late in life.

2- My friends- Through the years I have had a lot of good friends that I have met through different avenues. I look forward to hanging out and doing things with people who have the same interests as me.

3- My Boat- The boat is more than just an object it truly is a place for family and friends to hang out and relax. Party Cove here we come.......we have missed it!!!

4- Fishing- It is my one true hobby. I love it and there is nothing better than watching a sunset on Lake Carlos and hauling them in. I look forward to going out with Abbey who is a excellent fisher girl. I know Hayley will get there too. Also, look forward to trying out a fishing opener again with Jeff, Shane, Rogg and who ever else wants to brave trying to fish with us. (can't promise will catch anything but it will be fun). I want to teach Jackson my nephew and God Son also how to fish, if he wants to, I'm sure he will have racing in his blood.

5- Racing- Those darn Crouse's where 20 years ago at my first Saturday night race at Viking Speedway I watched "Mr. Highside" or "the Best Super Stock driver in the Midwest" win.....been hooked ever since. Now watching Jeff where he is now from when he first started will be a lot of fun!!! And can I forget the entertainment in the pits with the Crew, priceless.

6-Hockey- Some of my best memories of winter are all about hockey. I love going to the games. Watching hockey being played in the "State of Hockey", there is nothing better. With Jeff as the Head Coach of the New Tier 3 team our winter weekends will be filled up good entertainment. Jodi says I can't yell at the Refs though????

7- Spring- Nothing comapres to those first early days of warmer weather with the snow melting and the sun shinning. It is a right of passage, the air clean and clear and it is an anticipation of the summer fun that is ahead.

8- Fall- As the heat of the summer comes to a close you welcome the cool of fall. It is also another great round of fishing! You begin to get excited about the holidays ahead and the speculation of how bad the winter will be. (Weather is the #1 topic of Minnesotans)

9- Christmas- Sorry folks no better place to be for Christmas. It just feels right to be there where there is a good chance there will be snow and the fellowship of family and friends is awesome.

10- The People- I have been a lot of places in my life, and the quality of the people and family values is unmatched. Yes, it has its bad ones but the good far out weighs the bad. I think as the world continues to change it is the one place where people are fighting it and those base core values of God, family and country still remain.

Writing this makes me home sick.....but not for long, 10 days left here in California. For those of those who are from the Midwest understand this pretty well, sometimes we forget how good we have it right in the place were in. For those who are outside of the Tundra, hope it puts a little insight on why we are going there.

I would love to hear your comments on what makes it speical for you.......

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Being Dad....

Many of you saw on my Facebook post last night that Abbey my 12 year old got asked on a date. Very simple deal, the boy just wanted a simple date to grab a bite to eat. Being the youngest of four boys this girl thing is all new to me. I have to admit when she told me I really didn't know what to say or handle it very well. My first answer to her is, well these are the things you need to talk with your mom about. Wrong answer, now is the time she needs her dad and father figure more than ever and if I fade into the background on these deals the distance will grow between us. God really worked on me last night about this. He woke me up at 1230 am with a clear message that like him you always have to walking by her side, sometimes to answer questions but most times to just be there. She told the boy no, she said I don't want to date yet, and she felt sad for him, theres a girl with a heart. Jodi and I started a long time ago speaking to her and praying for these exact situations. Though I didn't handle it right yesterday, Abbey and I had a great talk about it this morning and I let her know what god had said and that I was there for her not matter what. I appreciate her honesty and willingness to share her experiences, I missed that yesterday in my own selfishness and fear of a unknown situation. I am proud of her and she is on a solid foundation!!! It also has become very clear to me that this path I'm on is not just about me, it is about those moments that my family and friends need me and the time I will have to be there instead of being consumed by work and stress. As our time draws near to a close in California I know that we made a good choice to be here, not for the job but for what it has taught all of us. It's the girls last day of school today, its the end of another chapter, I am so pround of how well they adjusted to picking up and moving in the middle of the year in 2010 from a place that was their home and that they were extremely comfortable in, to watch them exceed and grow as students but most of all into fine young ladies. I am truly blessed!!!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Another step

Took another step in the journey to my new life. Got to go back and spend time at work at a reception with the frontline to say good bye (got two great gifts too, thanks!!). What a great day, I really enjoyed seeing everyone and hearing the comments on how in a small way I made a difference, most comments were not about by being their leader but what I brought as a person to them. I have to say it was a little strange going to the airport and going into the terminal and offices especially dressed in shorts and flip flops. For the first time I didn't feel attached to it and that I was just a vistor in a strange land especially when I turned in my badges . Interesting how the world keeps moving and doesn't skip a beat when your gone. Again,I will miss the tremendous people but I won't miss the stress and time trap that it had become. So many people asked me what I'm doing next? I got some interesting looks when I said I had nothing planned and that I was going to take some time off. I told Jodi I still feel like this is just a vacation, I think it will all hit when we actually leave here and there will be some range of emotions that I will go through. I won't lie I think there will be some rough patches and that my focus has to remain on him and the true plan for my life. I think as I get away from it my mind only wants to remember the good parts and I'm doing a brain dump of the negative junk, maybe it is just my positive nature in always looking at the postive of every situation? Anyway, we can close another chapter in the "book of my past" and turn the page to that blank sheet in the "book of Mike Wanner's life" and see what the good lord plans to write on it, now that's exciting!! Now back to my beach bum life....well it the darn sun would ever come out, June gloom in full effect in So Cal. A a side note I have go over the 500 mark in views to the blog in three days, God is amazing in how he reaches out to people. If you feel compelled share the link with others, have a blessed day!!!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Desires of the Heart

For those who don't know I got to go to Game 6 of the Stanley Cup Finals last night and see the Kings hoist the Cup!! Can I tell you God knows the desires of your heart!! If I were to write a script (this is Hollywood you know) on how I would want ot leave LA last night would have been it. I never thought I would be at the game, I have followed the Kings very close since we arrived, I pretty much saw all 110 games they played this year and was attached to a pretty good group of players who you could just see wanted to win for eachother. On Sunday afternoon we recieved a message asking us if we were interested in going....um, yeah!! Not only did we get to go to the game but we got to go to a pregame party and a after party to celebrate it. Oh yes did I mention we got to watch it from a suite? More than I could have ever dreamed. At the start of the thrid period I just sat quietly looking at the ice and soaking in the moment and praising god (yes at a hockey game, Jesus is everywhere), I was there and I was about to witness history. Our god wants us to have things, so many people think we as followers of Christ should be poor and suffering always leaning on him. That is far from the truth. I look at the things in my life and know that he knew a long time ago and made the path to make those dreams a reality. We are suppose to be happy, not poor and destitute. And it is not about happieness that money brings, yes that is a part of it but there are so many things that we are blessed with. I look at my wonderful wife and then turn to the two most wonderful girls in my daughters who bring me more everyday with a hug and I love you daddy that know amount of money can buy. Yes I am leaving my job behind, but I know the things that are ahead are much greater and the treasures I will recieve will far exceed what I have today. This is my story what is yours? What can you see in your life that god has provided that has been on your heart? Maybe for some it is the enlightenment that it is ok to want things if they are used to glorify the kingdom. Be happy in whatever you have, be a light in this dark world, we all started today with a gift, the sun came up on a new day, what will we do with it? I want to take this time to thank all of you who have commented to me on Facebook on how much your enjoying this blog and to keep going. I wish I could tell all of you all the stories already were God has used these words to touch lives, I won't stop I don't think the good lord will let me as he stirs my heart on what to write. I will leave today with my favorite scripture, it is Ephesian's 6, 10-17. It talks about preparing for the battle we are about to wage each day and how to prepare. Our god gives us the tools to fight the enemy, believe it and use them!!

Monday, June 11, 2012

You said what...???

How many of you can hear god speaking to you? I know this has always been hard for me but I can tell you it is becoming easier as I go deeper into him. The title for today's blog comes from him telling me on the way back from dropping Abbey off at school listening to worship music and all he said is, "you said what?" So what happens from here is his words not mine. (Can I tell you theis is way out of the box for me to be blogging). We so often look for answers to questions in situations especially when things are not going as planned. We put our worldly thoughts and solutions way ahead of gods plan. I do it all the time. When you make a decision to walk away from a high paying job with lots of perks the world thinks your nuts, trust me. But all that doesn't matter I have gotten more out of these three days of blogging than I ever recieved in my job. Quick story to how I go here today, in November of last year I had become very sick and know one could figure out why? I had all the signs of colon cancer and both Jodi and I were scared. I remember telling Jodi if this job kills me I'm going to be ticked!! Long story short after many tests and medications I got better but promised Jodi and the girls I was going to change a lot of things. That is when the seed was truly planted and god began to water it. Jodi and I started planning to walk away from my job and start this new life on our own. In April we actually had given notice on our rental house that we were leaving June 1, it felt right in the worldly moment I was in with my frustration and stress level at a all time high. We traveled back to Alexandria for spring break with the girls, things were not sitting right in my spirit. I was struggling with the decision and my spirit just didn't feel right about it. I had clearly put my timing on the situation as a reaction to the stress. I sat down and sought god timing and wisdom, on the bike path just outside Nana's house I got my answer, god and the holy spirit clearly spoke to my soul and said "be patient" those two words made everything very clear. Jodi met me on the path she was frustrated about a business deal she was working on, I call it a devil distraction, I looked at her and said call the owners were staying a little while longer, god is working on the timing. Can I tell you from that moment on everything just fell into place perfectly. That an act of simple obedience turned the tides of my life to where I am today and things I thought were mountains, with just a whisper from him, were blown out of my path. Is all this were doing easy? No, it is hard, you still have to do your part and the devil see's plenty areas to attack but standing firm on the word like in Matthew 6:33 god will provide everything if you trust in faith. He is speaking to you today in some form, remove the noise out of your life and find some quite time to read his word and open your soul to the holy spirits message, I can tell you it will be good, but will you do what he says?

Sunday, June 10, 2012


Today I woke up and was lying in bed when fear began to creep into my mind. Fear is a powerful weapon of the enemy, he uses it to distract us from our faith. It is easy to have faith and hope when things are going well but as the enemy begins to mix in a little fear, our path begins to turn away from what Gods intended path is to a worldly one. My fear today came from the thoughts that I am approaching my 45th birthday, only 15 years from age 60 and what was I going to be doing 6 months from now and what about retirement? That simple seed planted in my mind began to quickly grow and fear and worry soon followed. I had begun projecting 6 months, all the way up to 20 years into the future and worrying? None of which I can control. My journey and all our journeys must happen one day at a time. Godly living and trust allows you the strength to live today, while our all powerful father handles everything that is yet to come in his perfect plan. What are you fearful of, losing your job, flying, people or situations that you cannot control, I bet you will find most are worldy fears. Would you be scared if God sat down with you and laid out his plan for you and your life were you knew all the answers to your questions and situations? Faith, is God's promise that he is sitting, walking, running right next to you no matter how crazy we believe our situation is and that if you seek and trust him you can stay on or near the right path. I know this is true, I am living this everyday now. I thought it is important to show my struggles I will have along the way, to many times we get near the "everything is great" people who are hiding the true struggle or pain that they are feeling. I am not one of those, God has asked me to lay this out for the good of the kingdom and I will obey, can I be honest and say that it is scarey to place my fears and struggles on the web for all to see. The verse God brought me to today to calm my fears was 1 Peter 1, verse 6 and 7, in there it says,"the proof of faith is more precious than gold." What does that mean to you?

Saturday, June 9, 2012

A little history...

Good day to all- Well my blog was up less than four hours and got 128 hits on it.....amazing and I have yet to tell the story. First, just want to explain the Trucker Wanner nickname. One, I love to road trip, I have crossed the country at least once and I have logged many miles on vacations, relocating, trips to many hockey games to see Jeff my brother-in-laws teams through out the Midwest and finally a famous gaunt to the NASCAR race in Dallas with Jeff, Tracie (my wonderful sister-in-law) and Jodi. By the way Tracie, what did that Cherry Lime Aid taste like??? But the true orgin is when we made one of our 8 moves as we traveled back to Minneapolis from Seattle. I moved in 2002 with NWA, at the time it was just after 9/11 and the move packages didn't exist other than packing yourself and them paying for the U Haul. So I set out with my 26ft U Haul, 12ft trailer with all our stuff. I was joined by Larry (father-in-law) and Jeff driving our two cars. Have you ever tried to get a U Haul through the Casacades fully loaded....thats a story in itself. Anyway, we trucked across the Northern Plains and pulled into Minnesota in record time, hence, Trucker Wanner and the name just stuck. Most people just call me "Trucker" back in Alexandria. Oh yeah, I also forgot the Shaggin Wagon years when I owned a conversion van, that just added to the tale, there is a picture somewhere that explains it all. We have 17 days left in California, then one more road trip. Jodi and I will be traveling back together in the Tahoe, the good Lord has upgraded the vehicles over the years!! We are going to go the north route which should take us through some pretty spectacular parts of the country we look forward to enjoying the time together. There is a lot more history that got me to this place. I just want to say stop, slow down and time look back at your life, I know thats hard but its important. You will see many clear markers of Gods hand in your journey. For me I have to say it started in 1992 just prior to meeting Jodi and the life circumstances then that had me far from a godly path or as I call it my Navy days. He interceded and allowed his plan for me to meet Jodi happen. Understand, I was a boy from Illinois, she was from Minnesota and we met in Dallas, TX and the rest has been history. Neither of us wanted a relationship but God had other ideas. The famous story I tell is that I tricked her into coming to a pool party that she thought was going to include my Navy friends. It took her awhile, she is blonde, to figure out it was just her and I but I can tell you from that day we have been together ever since, 20 years in total just about to celebrate 18 years of marriage on June 18. That gives you some simple history of me and my life there is so much more, by the way I was 6'5 and 145 pounds when I met her, I had to trick her to get such a hot wife!!!! Finally today I want to give a suggestion on how you can start spending time with him to her his message for you. There is a great devotion called "Jesus Calling" written by Sarah Young. It is simple messages each day that is in the form of God speaking to you. For you Ipad folks you can upload it and have it right there in your apps. Also, there is a great electronic verion of the bible on-line, "You Version" is the name, it allows you many ways to read the bible, it also has many devotion plans and topics to help you through what ever is pressing in your life. Go check it out, here's the link http://youversion.com/download.

Friday, June 8, 2012

 Thanks to my friend Tracy I am now in the blogosphere........I want to use this to track a man who has taken a huge leap of faith and left corporate America and decided to be God's son, my wife's husband and my daughters father. I am going to blog this journey, I believe it is god's will to put this out on the net. If it only reaches one person it all will be worth it. God has a plan or each one of us, I am going to find his for me in this journey, come see where he takes us he has promised it will be amazing!!

God's Canvas

God's Canvas
View from our dock, St Augustine, Fl