Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life's Path

Read Psalm 16, wow, perfect timing for my life. Especially verse 11 which says......

"You always show me the path that leads to life. You fill me with joy when I am with you. You will give me endless pleasures at your right hand."

It is so true. After I wrote my blog yesterday I rested my heart and give my path to him. Today at 8:15 am I received a call from a person who I worked with in my past out of the blue who is with a company that is expanding and is opening a role that fits everything I have prayed for in a new career. Though it is early in the process I believe clearly god is speaking to me and that my faith and trust will be rewarded.

On May 9th Jodi and I made a clear decision that we would trust The Lord fully on this journey. The Lord has clearly said to Jodi the next plan I have for you will be even better than what you had before if you just trust in me. As most know it hasn't been easy to let go of all the control. The world says were nuts and why would you give up money, job, security and status for the unknown. My simple answer is because we had nothing with out our faith and trust in God. That faith has helped to regain control of my life that was spiraling out of control with stress, fear and pain. Clear signs of the enemy controlling the puppet strings of my life and path.

So the story continues, I have to admit I am excited to be wanted. One piece of advice in all your relationships you never know which one may come back around some day in Gods plan to change your course. My light influenced this person who called today and god used it in his plan......AWESOME!!!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Letting My Light Shine

Letting my light shine, Matt 5:16 a interesting and a perfect verse for how I'm feeling today. Being a light in this world is something I always talk to my girls about but do I practice it everyday like I am suppose to? I think sometimes I am but when I am struggling that light is very dim or doesn't exist. I continue to go through this journey and grow, I am finding that consistency is key to living a balance life. I think the only thing I am consistent on is being inconsistent. I know it sounds kinda of ridiculous but if we each analyzed our life fully what would you see in this area?

Clear example of this is my time in the word. When I read the word and study and type these notes I feel close to god and really feel the clear direction in my life. When I don't do this I quickly drift in my walk. Something that seems so simple I make hard by my own laziness and lack of priority. How can I expect the next level when I am wallowing in this one. I have my moments of light and they seem to be more frequent so I think that is a good sign. But it is staying on track that is key. Don't get me wrong I want to be consistent but my worldly clock and schedule is keeping me from it, what about you?

I am beginning to feel gods direction for my next phase of life, the pull is unmistakable on where we should be. Now its trusting that god is driving the car not me right to my next job in a place he wants me. This radical thought is hard and completely against what the world would say I should do. I want to so intervene an push my way into the next phase of my life. Kinda of dumb since I have a pretty good thing rolling right now. My relationship with Jodi is strong, my kids are amazing me everyday and I am rested and not stressed and I'm enjoying the things I like in life. All indications that my light inside me is burning bright for all the world to see.

It is clear to me what I must do. I must work at getting into his word everyday some way some how. I believe now that the light in me is always bright, it is just weather I have my worldly sunglasses on blocking the true brilliant light that is the Lord in my life who is guiding me constantly and consistently each and every minute of my life with love and patience. The exact things I must have to move forward.

Hope you find this helpful in your life, God really put this on my heart to share for someone out there who is also struggling in this area.

Friday, October 12, 2012

"Getting Back on Track"

My journey continues and I want to openly share some of my challenges. For me I have gotten off the path, the text below shows me how and why I drifted and how I'm going to get back on God's plan for my life. I am being very transparent in this blog sharing my struggles for all to see so I can move forward. It is important that we are honest with each other, especially those of us who are believers. Maybe no one will read this but the power I have felt quoting the scriptures inside this blog have been amazing, enjoy.

So it's time to get back on track and there are two scriptures that have shown me how to do that. First John 8, "So the son of man sets you free, (I have been freed from a path of living for an false god inside of my job), you will really be free." (That one is harder) As I am on this journey I have found the transition to be much harder than I had anticipated. I have struggled with many things that have lead me back to my worldly ways. Gal 5:17-21 hits it best I have been living in my old sinful nature and not by the spirit.

My sinful nature and the spirit are at war with each other as Gal 5:17 clearly states. And that is what I feel in my life right now, a war going on. When I set out on this journey I was very close to the spirit and felt and heard god very well. As I have gone further into this transition I have heard more of my inner voice and have drifted away from the spirit and that solid foundation I had felt back in June and July. Don't get me wrong I haven't fallen off the map in sin and how I am live my life. But I have clearly slipped back on my direct relationship with my father and the Holy Spirit and I am wandering.

Interesting byproducts of all this has been that fear and doubt have creeped into my life and mind about who and what I am and the future. The self doubt about my status as a man, father and husband have all been challenged. I believe this has lead me to be short tempered at times to the ones I'm close to, especially my wife who sees my struggles everyday with this. This is all clear signs of the enemy at work. The devil is always lurking waiting for these times that we all have where we slip and are vulnerable. His reign ends today in this area of my life in Jesus name!!!

There is good news in all my failures and wandering are forgiven. The answer lies right in the scripture in Gal 5:24, "Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed their sinful nature to HIS cross. they do not want their sinful nature loves long for." My sin and sinful nature was bought and paid for that day on Calvary by the son of god, I cannot fail because I believe and that opens up his spirit to come back into my life.

So, I am excited for the future not scared. I have worked hard in my career to establish myself and I have a lot of gifts and talents to share. God has my next job waiting for me when I am ready and prepared to receive it in his timing, getting back on track has moved me closer to that plan. So I will enjoy this season and rest and enjoy each day to its fullest.

God's Canvas

God's Canvas
View from our dock, St Augustine, Fl