Thursday, August 2, 2012

Bloggers block

I have had a case of bloggers block lately, there has been so much going on that it is has been hard to get it all down. Summer is cruising along and I can say I have accomplished many of my goals of things I wanted to do and catch up on. Clearly spending time with family has been the best part of it all. Spending time in the boat has followed second with both sun and fun and I have caught some nice fish along the way.

Some things to look forward to yet though, the Guba's will be here all next week and we will get to spend a lot of time with them. For those who don''t know them they are the first family Jodi nannied for in Texas. They had three kids, Jennifer, Matt and Zach. Jennifer and Matt are married and Jen has had her first baby who we get to meet finally. We have been life long friends with all of them and they are a wonderful family. We have shared many highs and lows with them but they are all outstanding people and I am very proud of them. Next after that is the Douglas County Fair. 4 days of good food, fun, racing and laughs. It is what small town America is all about. Then finally the last thing on the docket is a visit from two of my brothers, Brian and John for some fishing in September. I'm really hoping mom and dad are feeling good enough to join us. We did a trip in the fall about 8 years ago and it was some of the best fishing I have ever had. That should wrap up the summer nicely and the girls will then be back in school at their new digs. Praying for a smooth transition for them, I can tell you they are having just a great summer only issue is we are way off schedule on our sleep times. To bed after midnight and up at the crack of noon lately.

I have been really putting a ton of miles on my bike had another long ride today. I feel great and really am getting in shape. Probably will join the YMCA for the winter to stay active and keep this roll going. Also playing a lot of softball. We play in a tournament this weekend and then start playoffs Monday for the league we are in, I am amazed everytime I play that my 60 year old father in law can still bring it like he is 30 he runs circles around some of the 20 somethings out there.

Things ahave really settled in, our little home is now complete and we are living very comfortabley out of it. Still owe a great big THANK YOU to my Mother and Father in law for allowing us to take the apartment it has really allowed me to enjoy this time before my next adventure in the job world. I very much enjoy Jodi spending a lot of time with her Mom and sister hanging out and dong that crazy garage sale thing. It has also been great being to see Jeff, Tracie, Jacey and Jackson a whole bunch. Especialy when Uncle Trucker gets to watch them for a job in the world!!!

So for those who are wondering about my job search know that on Sept 17, I will start back looking full bore. The area I'm seeking won't be very far from here so that makes it much more simple. Well that about sums it up for now. Have a blessed day!!!

God's Canvas

God's Canvas
View from our dock, St Augustine, Fl