Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Life's Path

Read Psalm 16, wow, perfect timing for my life. Especially verse 11 which says......

"You always show me the path that leads to life. You fill me with joy when I am with you. You will give me endless pleasures at your right hand."

It is so true. After I wrote my blog yesterday I rested my heart and give my path to him. Today at 8:15 am I received a call from a person who I worked with in my past out of the blue who is with a company that is expanding and is opening a role that fits everything I have prayed for in a new career. Though it is early in the process I believe clearly god is speaking to me and that my faith and trust will be rewarded.

On May 9th Jodi and I made a clear decision that we would trust The Lord fully on this journey. The Lord has clearly said to Jodi the next plan I have for you will be even better than what you had before if you just trust in me. As most know it hasn't been easy to let go of all the control. The world says were nuts and why would you give up money, job, security and status for the unknown. My simple answer is because we had nothing with out our faith and trust in God. That faith has helped to regain control of my life that was spiraling out of control with stress, fear and pain. Clear signs of the enemy controlling the puppet strings of my life and path.

So the story continues, I have to admit I am excited to be wanted. One piece of advice in all your relationships you never know which one may come back around some day in Gods plan to change your course. My light influenced this person who called today and god used it in his plan......AWESOME!!!!

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